My Fate Is Success
The alchemy of my fate's anatomy is not in agony and is not creation's blasphemy, but is with beauty a
perfect analogy.
It is not a fantasy, it is not a fallacy and was not randomly, but was God's compassionate strategy thought out before any galaxy.
But if that is so,then why am I the only one left behind seeing what I cannot do, but wish I could?
I look up high, covered from the sun by my hood, seeing only the sky and the birds fly on by as I remain here chopping wood like a good boy should.
Where the hell am I going?
As everyone else leaves me behind like I'm foreign.
I have no foundation or talents for showing.
I sit here mourning, because my destiny is boring.
Shall I take myself without warning?
Shall you see me dead in the morning?
I shall not be a waste!
I shall not sink low!
I will rise with great haste!
I will work hard to beat talent!
I will go to the extreme!
My will cannot be absent!
I shall progress until my failures are clean!
My one brain will overpower the arrogance of my enemies!
It shall correct their ignorance!
It shall show them my painful working spree!
I believe in my hard work to show all people corrupted, my place on this Earth, so life can have sense!
And if my brain fails to work, then I shall use my hands, even when they are bleeding, torn and broken!
If my hands fail, then I shall use my voice to speak the truth until my goal of true success has been completed, even if my throat scratches and tears and I become unspoken!
If my voice fails, then my feet shall walk an eternity to the path of success, even If I fall and snap my knees and my legs become covered with a million calyces and scars!
If my feet fail, then my eyes shall stare with desire at success, even if they are drowning and burning with red tears until my failure is left behind bars!
If all else has failed, then my very MATTER , MY ESSENCE, MY AURA will live on in the spirit of SUCCESS!
I have to see it before I am dead and gone!
The place where all who make it go!
The place where people like me are slim to none!
I will stretch out my arm beyond its extent to touch her core above all who fall low!
I will become neither no one, some none, nor anyone!
But strengthen myself to better me, my only one!
And I will see my enemies with my success, because I.............
have won............