In My Dreams
People who know me know I like to sleep
To me it’s not about the relaxation,
It’s about the dreams –that are so sweet.
I love to dream
I could be a graceful dancer
Or find the cure for cancer
I love to dream of giant scoops of ice cream
With chocolate sprinkles and whipped cream
Sometimes I get so entranced by the dream that I start snoring
I don’t want these dreams to end
Which is why I don’t want to wake up in the morning
Finding the solutions to a problem
May be difficult for some people
But for me it’s not a problem
My dreams allow me to solve them
I love to dream
I like to observe how things are
And imagine what they could be
I’m in my own world
Doing my own thing
I step away from reality and imagine the possibilities
One minute, I’m a knight who has saved a village
From Vikings who desire to pillage
Other times I’m superwoman
saving the penguins from global warming
Whatever I dream about
Is a reflection of me
And the things I see
I love to dream