My Day-to-day
Adversity is an atrocity to some.
But it sings to me my history and where I'm from.
In my day-to-day.
Equally acceptig challenges as I wait,
Romantically for my next like a lost soulmate.
In my day-to-day.
Knowing each will eventually and definitely
Better, benefit, strenghten, erect, and elevate me.
Throughout my day-to-day.
Permanently believing "what doesn't kill me makes me stronger."
"I am proud of my struggle, I'll fight and live longer!"
I say in my day-to-day.
Optimisticaly awaiting the day I level up.
Half full I'll always choose to see my cup.
In my day-to-day
Hoping and knowing the solutions will hit me,
Like an omnipotent, elucidating, and clensing epiphany.
It may not be this day today,
But one day during my day-to-day.