Music. I Am Music.
Music. I ____ music.
It surrounds me, hugging me, moving me, comforting me.
I use it to tell people I love them, miss them, am glad to be with them.
It knows how I feel: sad, excited, angry, sentimental
Music is mental.
Creating music, playing music, listening to music
I feel every emotion possible.
Playing it, I feel like I wrote it, like I am the artist.
Happiness, sadness, feelings I cannot explain;
It washes away the pain.
Composing music gives you power
Like nothing else could.
A different kind of power, like you could move the world
But with your words and emotions.
Music can be undescribable
What is music to me? It is my world.
I could not live without it.
Without music, my world would crumble
And I would be lost.
Music is my life.
I live breathe
I AM music