Mrs. Anderson

it had been eleven years since i'd last seen her.
i almost didnt recognize her, but then
she spoke my name in a way i had 
never heard it pass through her lips,
and it all came flooding out through my eyelids. 
how do you tell a person that you literally
owe your life to her? there just arent words for that...
and i'm supposed to be a poet, 
i never not have words for my emotions.
she was a special one. i dont go throwing
that word around unless im referring to myself
as an excuse to explain my quirkiness
without going into detail, but my god was she special.
i would go through it an infinity times over 
if it meant i got to sit in that time out chair, 
lips pursed and arms folded as she scolded me
for trying to punch a classmate 
who cut in front of me in the lunch line.
at the tender age of six i was a fighter,
and she was the tape that wrapped around 
my knuckles to stop them from bleeding. 


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