Like The Movies, Right?

Thu, 05/02/2019 - 09:53 -- Just_K

I always thought love was supposed to be like the movies,
An ordinary man meets an ordinary woman and they fall in love right?
I mean c'mon?
Two not so perfect people meet,
and they form an unlikely relationship that last forever!
That's what love is supposed to be, right?
Love is suppose to be this heart racing , mind captivating pleasure that enables you to show your feelings in a way you never did before.
You're not supposed to be hurt,
You're not supposed to be depressed.
You're not supposed to wake up feeling like shit because the man you're in love with you can't have?
That's not what love is? 
Then why does it feel this way?
Why does my heart feel like its ripped into a million fucking pieces by the man I love?
That's not like the movies.

This poem is about: 
Our world


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