Motives & Thoughts
Theology twisted, robbing the poor
Sick religions have the saints misunderstood
U.S. economy in it for self
Rich stiff necked scholars still seeking knowledge
But graduated from a top Ivy League college
World sick and twisted
Because of the lives and souls being tricked
Dreams smashed because of words
Words from a prisoner of words unsaid
Lives trashed because of old church folk
Making heavy burdens on someone else's yolk
Check the motives and thoughts of our society
You stay silent when you see something unfair
But expect somebody else to stand up for you
You call yourself a christian and holy
But you're out condemning others you don't even love
Words come from your mouth
Hurting others and crushing their feelings
But you want them to spare yours
Check your motives and thoughts
You change what God gave you from birth
To please society
When society only wants your soul
A story that's been told long ago
Now you're angry because the truth is still not being told
But remember back in history when you were sold for just a buck
Now you're living a life that still doesn't have any luck
You're in a world where man wants to be in control
God's job is trying to be taken from a man that forsaked him years and years ago
You're a slave of society
A slave of ethnicity
A slave of unforgettable mistakes
A slave of the bittersweet taste of lies and misfortune
A slave that tried to be free of these chains
But couldn't
Because of society's and your motives and thoughts