Connected by the heart and clasped with a hand A whole lifetime and more spent in constant company, a single monochrome In dazzling colors blended by genes, painted with love. Questioning identity in sadness Trapped in a mirror of dazzling iridescence, A reflection of me that is her and a her that is me, Her hand scratches her script while I play a tune on trombone of constant Inquiring, inquest, inquisition of Irresolute identity Whispering questions of “I am…?” Multiples That is all The Twins The Girls Them One. A constant struggle of definition and individuality. But I am me, she is her We are separate and the same My passion like ivy, Winding Intertwining Fastening My temperament to wear rose-colored glasses to the darkest-cloaked of villains, Or my stage presence as a wooden puppet Toppling Wobbling Stumbling Struggling About Is me. It is her. We are one and this is me. A twin. Separate Equal Monozygotic. Transcendent.