we have a lot of differences
i guess i we had to have a similarity,
it would be,
that we are both hurting.
we both don’t understand what each other wants
so we blow up, and separate our feelings
then wonder why is you mad.
why is you mad ?
why weren’t you there for me as a kid?
so now i know i was pushing you away,
but did you know i’m not as materialistic as you think?
that i actually prefer words and emotions and thoughts and conversation
over items and things.
but that preference was hidden years ago,
so you can’t ever have it.
so maybe we’ll never understand each other.
maybe i’m the grown-up, because i know why you do what you do.
but i don’t feel like i should be the one to change it.
even if i did i wouldn’t know how to start.
we both cried today.
mine were tears of anger.
what were yours tears of?