The Millennials

We’re growing up
In a world
That we're unsure of
We are another Lost Generation

“Will we survive the next day?”
“What could happen tomorrow?”
“Is today our last?”

All questions

Asked daily
By a Millennial

Because we don’t know
What could happen
Every bombing
Every attack

Starts on a day
Like every other day


But we’re not letting that get in our way
We are happy
We are ready
For the future
Truly believing that we can make a change

The future is at our fingertips
It has been

Since birth

The Next Great Generation is here
We stand up

And speak out
Against civil injustice
We have seen the power

Of media

And now know how to use it

But we are silenced
The Next Silent Generation
Only this time
It’s not our choice

We speak out
And get told to shut up
We speak out
And get told that we are too young

We are marketed to
We are lied to
We are abandoned

Like the Generation before

So many broken homes
So many broken lives

But we are cared for

By parents who love us
Who hover around
And make sure we are safe

But we are rewarded
For trying
For anything we do

We are the creation
Of America’s past
We are America’s future
We are the Millennial
We will change the world


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