I remember the first weekend we were on campus and how scared I was.
You told me that despite the town being sketchy that campus was quite safe.
I remember you coming over to help me finish up an assignment
because I was struggling with the language, and the assignment taking us two hours to complete.
I remember my friend and my roommate (now my best friend) walking downstairs with me one night,
and I tried to escape the hall only to be dragged back by my best friend which resulted in
me being on the floor trying to catch my breath and you making sure I was ok.
I remember when my best friend brought you and two others to the room at one am to which
my best friend told me later that you came in an attempt to scare me.
I remember you coming up to my friend’s room only to talk and order One Night which resulted in
my best friend taking off with your shoes and me taking off with your backpack.
You retaliated by taking mine which led to us sitting in your room and talking.
I remember coming to your room one night only to run back to my friend’s room to get my textbook
to try to help you with an assignment. I then played on my kindle until I started to doze off
which is when you watched my head drop and checked on me.
I remember the countless naps on your bed and feeling safe when I didn’t feel safe anywhere else.
I remember leaning against you only for us to quickly pull apart when my best friend returned
to the room and us acting like nothing happened.
I remember the countless hugs you gave (and still give) me when I was in tears
unable to be comforted by anyone else.
I remember dropping off my math homework to you twice at your room because I didn’t want to go
to class. I quickly learned my lesson to text you first when the first time I dropped my homework off
when you had just returned from a shower.
I remember you picking me up from my evening lab and even walking me to lab once
after cheering me up.
I'll always remember you trying to protect me from seeing you get injured boarding then later
explaining why you didn't let me come watch.
I’ll never forget the jokes you make when I get injured or the fact that you call me China Doll.
I’ll always enjoy talking to you and our silent communication.
Thank you for always being there for me.