This is Me
I am someone who just wants to escape
To flee the deep, dark depths of my mind
To a place free of dibilitating pain
The kind of pain that grips my throat and suffocates me
I want to be beautiful
To look in a mirror without tears forming
To feel adequit in my own skin
And to not care about the number on the scale
I want to be free
Free from the monster that consumes me
To be without the illness that wants to kill me
The eating disorder that has trapped me for years
I want a hug
To feel loved and cared for
I want to be sure
Certain that man won't hurt anymore little girls the way he hurt me over and over again
I want to smile
To feel genuinely happy
To not ache deep inside when I fake a laugh
I want to write
To expell my feelings on paper
To extract the pain from inside
And to be understood
I want to be heard
For my feelings to matter
And to be noticed
But I know I can't always get what I want
So I am just someone who wants to escape