Let’s get metaphorical here
Let’s really dig down deep
This past year has been glorious
But it also seems like the proverbial shit’s hit the fan
I met my Love, my Honey, my one true Everything
But in meeting him I found it within me to see who I really am
Best friends seemed like enemies, hurting me in the worst ways
I just couldn’t stand it so I said, “Fuck it” and walked away
Authority figures, people you’re taught to trust, shook everything all up
They acted more like teenagers than those I have learned with
Their rumors and cliques culminated a mushroom cloud, blooming from Nagasaki
This stupid behavior, so unexpected, led to my declimaxation of my one true devotion
As I look at this shit, falling in pieces, I come to realization that this shit is me.
I see that what I’ve built up for so long has come crumbling down
But what I need to understand is that those pieces that are falling and crumbling and breaking weren’t strong enough to hold together anymore
I could no longer be a doormat, a punch bag, a cigarette bowl
I could no longer have no feelings because he was making me believe
What’s hard now is not that he’s far away, or anything like that
It’s that even though I’ve been exercising for the past year this thing happens
When I look in the mirror, he see’s beautiful, but all I can see is fat.
I want to be worth what he is to me
I want to give him something special because he brought ME out of me.
I love him and know he hates it when I say these things about myself, I just wish I could somehow display to him this fact
This fact that he is my Everything, the he brought me to who I truly am.