Is This a Matter of Worse or of Better

I get the feeling you’re angry with me

And it doesn’t surprise me one bit

I’m plenty pretentious

But you should know I adore you

And if somehow not

Believe me, I have plans

I feel a closeness to you more sincere than anything before

And you put up with my obscure fascinations

You’re a sweetheart for that

You make me feel like family, but more so

And I would spend eternities with you

You make me smile you make me laugh…

When I go crying about whatever dumb thing that happens to be permeating

You shake your head and make fun of my selfish demons

It’s beautiful and you’re an enchantress

I owe so much to you

You’re the one to call me out and keep me from turning awful

Many people like me go rotten

And I worry that without you-

That’s what I’ll become

But you’re stitched onto my sickly heart

With your buttoned eye, white dresses and rock-and-roll

We’ll always be bound

In my mind, at least

Destined for Greatness or Madness



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