Love and Respect
You looked at her and she knew, you were a bad one
You saw right through her, she was an easy target
The days came and went, she knew things weren't right
Jealousy, authority, control,
Weak, powerless, vulnerable
"Who is he?" "I don't care, he's a guy, you will cheat on me!" "Babe, please don't hangout with him."
She was just looking for someone to love and rely on
She finally saw the light, and said goodbye, moved away and began a new life
Now she is happy, safe
Those memories are far in the past, and miles away,
Now in her new home, there is love
Laughter and double dates
Jokes, taken as jokes
Crying is no longer looked down upon in anger, but now is comforted and resolved through their voice
Cuddling no longer feels like she's being trapped,
Now it is a way to feel love and affection, happiness and satisfaction
She feels like bird, with him along side her
Nothing is impossible, nothing can falter
Where once was a mouse, scared and timid, now is a woman who is older and wiser
Nothing can stop her. Love is now meaningful and no longer sought after.