The wind guides the bayou’s surface
dancing in rippling patterns,
they masquerade around the trees’
and whistle a soft tune.
Crickets applaud. Ducks rally.
Cold water caresses rough scutes
then quickly whisks into narrow open mouths.
Jaws capture a paddling duckling,
loose feathers join the watery graveyard.
Thrumming of rain ricochet off
abandoned canoes.
Canoes squatting dragonflies’ now call home.
Bullet body, bulging eyes
and a whiplike tongue.
An unsuspecting mosquito expires.
Vast Cypresses ingest the sunlight,
keeping the lively dwelling murky.
Moss stretches down to touch passing fishermen,
as gentle as a mother's kiss.
Night dominates
the sky.
Owls sing symphonies,
bobcats wait for them to miss
a note.
The stars smile at
their reflection in the water.