Lost Boy
"The brighter the shadow the darker the light
I try to cover it up with the vice
Is that giving up the fight
Bait from the or maybe gift from christ
Either way I won't take a bite
Peter had the right idea just run won't catch you less you let it
Do bad and it turns to a crutch no wounded medic
Told it wasn't my fault...true but I had a choice I fed it
I got a lot on my chest wish I could say I said it
Promise after promise feel that I lost it
Just a required lie but they say don't white towel toss it
Tell God the same thing my soul really cost less
Then why promise without knowing what the cost is
I use to perceive with the eyes of God
Now I can't tell which way was the fraud
Let's be honest mans version is just a mirage
Learned more from the dark side then those that say they hold to the rod
Maybe pan wasn't lost"