Just because your smart or just because your different
People assume you have it the easiest
But if they pay attention and look closely they’ll see the true emotions stirring inside and ready to burst
They think “Oh, she or he will get somewhere in life , but how?
How are you suppose to if you think your going to spend your life lonely and rejected.
People can look and talk, but can they ask and listen?
Just because your tall and athletic or maybe you have a nice build
People would think not only is your future full of riches but also full of health
But that’s not true Its all lies because the only person to know the truth is you
They don’t know what you think or how you feel
They just assume that everything you do is always kept real
During open doors you see someone so happy and so energetic that you think she has her future all planned out
But behind closed doors is someone different
Someone with a dark motive that can either destroy her or the ones around her
Someone so full of pain and emotion and feelings that cannot be soothed by a simple “How are you feeling” or maybe a simple “Are you okay”
Feelings that can do more damage than a gunshot to the wound
Just because your fun or just because your happy
People will assume your life is so full of joy and happiness
But have they ever asked? asked what you feel or ask if you even feel
And what would they think if you actually told them the truth, nothing but the truth?
Would they really know that your desperate for the attention and love you really need, the love not by your close ones but someone opposite from you, someone you know you can spend your life with?
Would they?
No, they wouldn’t sit and listen instead they would point and stare or maybe laugh and smile as the world revolves around them and not you
And that’s how you know when the only person to trust with your feelings and emotions is you
At some parts you feel numb and feel like your the only one
Sure there are others who think they feel what you feel
But really they don’t
They just act that way to get attention and maybe love, they don’t know what it feels like
All the things that they really feel is FAKE and how they act is always telling you theyre begging for attention
They don’t know what it feels like
To get the taunting from people , they don’t understand the feeling and how you block your emotions from the rest the world so no one can know
Your ugly or maybe your pretty or maybe your just simple
But some some people take it to the max to refer you as hideous
But what do you do? You stand there and smile and laugh along to the joke
But you know the tears are going to fall and how hard you’ll choke
You just go along for they wont pinch and poke
And when your ready, or somewhere safe where no one can see, you sit or maybe lay there and wait till the tears come and let it go like a waterfall
Sometimes you even wait for the punishment you wish to come and remove you from this cruel world
Just because your this and just because your that, it is hard to think that your somebody
Sure you’ll have people there to encourage you
People who say your smart and how you have your future ahead you
But do they know how lonely you really feel, and how the person on your right of you is getting all the attention
Or maybe the person on the left tend to agree the most to the person on your right, both of them bringing you down along with their misery
In this world a lot would claim to feel lonely, but do you know if your really lonely and sad
The only way to know is if you sit by yourself and only you know
Not by announcing it to the world, a world so full of people that wouldn’t even give a care to your feelings
So think again
Are you really lonely or do you just do it for attention
Are you really sad, or do you just do it because you want people to feel sorry for you
If you feel this way remember only you know when you feel lonely not when the whole world knows along with YOU!!!!!! Saturday, July 12, 2014