Living Family
Poetry has taught me to not ignore the people closest to me. I've learned to acknowledge the pain that they cause me. I've seen how my father left one day and didnt come back for months. I've learned how to stop begging him to be nice to my mom and say thanks when he says I love you. Through poetry i've learned to grow big and strong and acknowledge the struggle my mother goes through to provide for two children by herself. I've felt the happiness she had when I got a job and gave her my paycheck to help pay the months rent. Poetry taught me to acknowledge my sisters hurtful words expressing how I should be appreciative of how my father tries to correct his past mistakes by buying McDonalds on the weekends. I've heard how she hates me for not knowing anything about my father, like it was me who told him to leave and only come once every other week. Poetry has taught me to not stay in my room and let days pass while I spend hours playing video games and instead acknowledge the pain I felt, the love I've seen, the words of love I've heard from my family.