Life's Bitter Lemons
When Life gives you lemons, they say
When Life expects you to make sweet lemonade,
When they expect you to follow Life's bitter rules
When you wished you knew what to do
Because Life's expectations blend cruelly with the "truths" of reality
Polished, pretty Barbie dolls are the dreams of little girls
Chasing the newest trends, repeating ideals I've already seen.
And perpetuating a notion of beauty being power
Their armies of long hair and slender limbs disillusioning the children
Little girls craving the attention of the ballerina, the model, the muse.
I don't fit their ideals, my spikey hair dyed platinum, my idea of fashion
The false pretense, playing strong, faking confidence
But Knowledge is my sword, my Excaliber
My beauty is hidden in the stone
And I dream to be the gem of the generation
Hoping to sow a seed of inspiration,
Changing the bitter lemons of life to
the sweetness of surpassing dreams
Of becoming bigger and better
Being who I am because I can and I will
Becoming more than the shy, the quiet, and untraditional