Life And All Of It's Mysteries

My Lyrics And Writings Portfolio


Life’s Mysteries And It’s Journey

(Few Pearls Of Wisdom Life Songs)


Song One

Ashes Of Love Left Behind



It was a cold winter night

Miles and miles of snow and ice

Eerie silence like a deafening noise

Not a single soul in sight

I could feel the chill in my bones

Everything lost and long away from home

What used to be a castle of my relationships of love

All turned out to be lies and this cold dense fog

And just ashes now left behind

Of what used to be my life

And full of hurt and pain inside

And what I no longer can call mine

Like hell hath no fury

On this cold lonely wintery night



Far away I could see a glimmer of light

Coming from a bonfire burning far away in sight

As I got closer I could see

Another lonely soul just like me

His soul hurting just like mine

Reminding me of a familiar face from some other time

Like he had also lost everything in this world

I wondered to myself

What brought him here

To this God forsaken place tonight

Not meant for a soul to wander

On this cold winter night

Was it something like my story

Of life just happening

Where every person of your life

Turned out to be the same old story

All it took was one single spark to ignite

And your world came crumbling apart

And all your meaningful relationship’s

And all your hard work gone in one single night

And one strong breeze is all it took

To break these bonds which I mistook

For love and strong that I had always treasured

As rarest treasures of my life

Turned out to be nothing but weak bonds

Held together by weak threads

And the havocing storm of my life

And you realize that in this life

Love is a two way street

It is not always about your religion

But also the religion on the other side

And then you wonder once again what is it about love and life

Something that felt so right

Why was it not meant to last

Is it previous karma or distant past

Why is it that he sends them your way

As sadness that I feel in my heart

That refuses to go away

And even the tears had run dry and few hurt

That never should have happened

And no more words left to say



As I got closer it looked like a familiar face

From distant past a stranger I used to know

Long ago

And could not completely get out of my mind

And let go

No matter how hard I tried

This nagging feeling like I had known him for a long time

From some other place some other time

This familiar face

That I just could not place



As I moved closer to him I wondered

What was this pull that I had towards this stranger

Like I have known him for a long time this lone ranger

All alone just like me on this lonely night

With silent tears rolling down my eyes

Desperately wanting to hold on to something tight

What was it that drew me to him

Like two strangers

Who have known each other

For a very long time

And all of their lives

Or maybe it was just two lost souls

Lost in this lonely crowd

Who had lost everything in this world

And not even a shoulder to lean on or cry

Trying to make sense of this cruel world

Where even the love of your life

Turned out to be your bankruptcies



As he looked up at me and smiled

I was lost forever in his eyes

I realized he was a familiar face from my past

Long time ago of love lost

We had once known each other

And had gone our separate ways

Here we were once again

After all these years

It’s like life telling you it had come to a full circle again

And once again life had thrown us together

Into each other’s arms is it forever

Like two strangers

Who had got lost in this bustling world

In this confusing journey called life as it unfolds

Some where along the way who had lost their way

About two people who always belonged together

About two people who were always meant for each other

Meant to kiss each other’s pain away



Song Two

This Life Is A Journey


[Stanza 1]


You are not the only one in this journey of life

People will come and go into your life

Some to stay

And make a difference

Others as passers by

And lessons to be learnt in may day

Some bring happiness into your life

Others are just a lesson to be learnt


[Stanza 2]


Why waste time playing the blame game

And what could or could not have been

Since nothing ever really stays the same

When it’s lot simpler to leave the bankruptcies of your life

And just move on

One way or other

They will all leave their mark today

In a known or in an unknowing way

Like footprints in the sand

Affecting your destiny and your mind

No matter which path we take


[Stanza 3]


The path ahead is filled with ups and down

Destiny unknown

And opportunities that will come and go

The path ahead is filled with curve balls

And shortcuts easy to take and stray

It is not always about being right

it is also not always about being wrong

Nor is it easy to stay on the path

When temptations all around us are abound

The path we still take to get to our destination

It still happens to be as important

As the one in our imagination

Because the path we take

Defines who and what we are

The path we do take

Ultimately defines us as the person we are


[Stanza 4]


Change is another name of life

Changing with times is an

Important survival game of life

That we all have to play

Changing with times in this tough world

Gives you a strong hold

To keep moving forward strong and bold

Adapting to changing times

Is important in winning the game of life


[Stanza 5]


You do not get too many chances at winning

No matter how hard you strife

This world belongs to the one

Who changes with time and keeps on ticking

This world belongs to the person

Who keeps on moving forward at all times

The world belongs to the person

Who keeps moving on in life

Hold your head up high and accept change

And keep moving forward

Because that is how you win this game


Song Three

When I Am Feeling The Blues


[Stanza 1]


When life feels meaningless

And another day gone by

And I feel like I am losing my religion

And no shoulder to lean on or cry

Just another person

That’s lost in the crowd

As life passes me by

It’s then I pick up the pieces

And take on something new

With a new paintbrush

To paint the canvas

Which until yesterday was a little too blue

With new shades and hues

Making sure I always keep my faith

And stay close to my roots

(I know it has been long time due

Time to move on my heart says and knew)

To give my life new meaning

And a meaningful view


[Stanza 2]


When I am feeling lonely

And all lost and sad

Then I look at the deep blue sea

In front of me

And where it meets the deep blue skies

And the lines blur

And my eyes well up with tears

Is it all my imagination

That life sometimes feels so hopeless

That I just want to cry

It’s then I go to my favorite spot

That I always go to

When I am feeling sad

Once again I look at the deep blue sea

In front of me

And then I don’t feel so bad


[Stanza 3]


When I am feeling the blues

And everything around me

Feels unglued

And I am all lost and confused

And I have no idea what to do

Everything feels like a mess

And I do not have a clue

It’s then

I curl up on my couch in front of my TV

In my favorite pajamas

With my favorite brew

And my favorite coffee mug on cue

And hot chocolate to comfort me

And to my rescue

To heal my soul

Which feels like a battered bruise

And watch reruns of X files and it’s crew

And everything feels much better

And brand new

And they chase away my blues


[Stanza 4]


When life feels hopeless

And everything lost

Every ties of your life

Feels like it was a serious knot

Heavy price you paid for love

And at what cost

It’s then I sit on my porch

And listen to my favorite music

And reflect on the march

Sounds from the past

No longer playing a trick

And my head feels clearer

And feelings resolved

About my ordeal

My wounds heal

And I pick up the pieces

And move forward

With a new zeal

And my spirits soar

And then once again

Get back into life with a roar


[Stanza 5]


When life feels frustrating

And everything seems wrong

All laws of physics

Seems like Murphy’s law

Every path I take

Turns out to be a dead end instead

To a journey unknown

And path I still had to tread

And I am at the crossroads of my life

And I don’t know which way to go

For my bruised soul to survive

It’s then I go on a long drive

To my favorite city

Where everything about it

Is breathtaking beauty

I take a deep breath

And for a moment I lose myself

In God’s awesome creation in front of me

And I think to myself

The person who created this

Must have something good planned for me too


Song Four

Life Is Such A Quagmire


[Stanza 1]


Life can sometimes be such a quagmire

And it sometimes feels like such a satire

Nothing in this world permanent and universe seems to conspire

No matter what may or may not have transpired

Everything seems so quintessential within our reach yet not near

And all the best laid plans that misfire

And dominoes effect that sets into motion that has gone haywire

It’s like Sergei Brin rubbing our nose in it by being on the cover of Esquire

And no more challenges left for him but few countries to acquire

It’s like a deer caught in the headlights a price so dear

While I am sitting roasting marshmallows on the bonfire

The unknown all around me sometimes makes me perspire

This life sometimes feels like I am walking on tight wire

And being thrown into eye of the danger without being equipped with right attire

At my wits end trying to make sense of my life and trying to get inspired

Maybe God will send me a sign the skies above me are so sapphire

In this crooked world things to stay clear

And things to stay away from and steer

With this bustling world streets of dire

And hustling strangers such crooked liars

It’s like being out of a pan and into a fryer

And it feels like blood is being sucked out of you by a vampire

To this beautiful thought that so cavalier

It’s like the beating drums of the town crier

Spelling the death knoll on your favorite team that’s about to retire


[Stanza 2]


It feels good the weekend is finally here

You get to tell your boss that’s for sire

And you are not his slave for hire

And enjoy the weekend to my heart’s desire

With a tight kick from my roomie on my rear

It’s time to get the engine of my Chevrolet on fire

And feel the rubber burning on the tire

And time to kickback and enjoy life in full gear

With your best friends and cold beer

In high spirits and all around cheer

Having fried clams and crab at the pier

And your girlfriend in short skirts to admire

It’s like having on your arms the celebrity Brittney Spears

Making you feel like the man of the year

In this life we all have to endear

To live life to the fullest a rule to live by and to adhere

In God’s eyes we should consider this as the final frontier

No matter how the game of life may seem to appear

Ultimately we all have to persevere

Work hard and play hard only compliment you can give to yourself so sincere

Few things in this life you should always revere

Treat this world like a movie with you as the premiere

Reaching the heights and soaring the skies we all aspire

This happens to be life’s most beautiful elixir

And it’s about sailing the high seas in high speed without fear


Song Five

Baby Go Out There And Change The World




Believe in yourself

Go out there

Make a difference

Believe in yourself

Go out there

Change the world


[Stanza 1]


What are you scared of

All you need is courage

Not unheard of

Don’t let people stop you or fold

Don’t be scared of this world

Don’t be scared of what people will say

People will talk no matter what you do have to do or say

Remember it is not always about your religion

But also about theirs and their blatant assumptions

Go out there and make a difference

First and foremost in your own life

And that will give you the strength to do so in other people’s life

Obstacles will always be there

That in essence is life

Not a smooth journey no matter how much you prepare

Meant to be removed from your path and overcomed

If you don’t remove them

How will you get to your destination?

Go conquer this world

This world is yours

Go make a difference

You were born to do so

The day you were born




Believe in yourself

Go out there

Make a difference

Believe in yourself

Go out there

Change the world


[Stanza 2]


This world is your playground

Don’t let anything stop you

Success is yours to achieve

All you have to do is set your heart to it and believe

You can change the world

So do take the initiative

But also always remember you need to be strong first

Intelligence and power comes with responsibility (in this world)

Let your passion guide you

And allow your imagination to soar

You were meant to do great things

Never ever sell yourself short

Go change this world

It belongs to those who dare

If you have will and determination

You can achieve anything no matter how rare

This world is filled with people who need heros

Go out there and reach out to them

And give them hope

Give them an opportunity at a better world

And stop people from getting lost in the fold

Go out there and make a difference

In your own life and in other people’s life as well

You were meant to do great things

Do not let anything stop you

Believe in yourself

And the world will believe in you




Believe in yourself

Go out there

Make a difference

Believe in yourself

Go out there

Change the world


Song Six

And What’s Love Anyway




Sometimes in this world of many

You meet someone

Who feels like your destiny

It feels like love from the very start

And down the road only to find out

It was not meant to last

And you ask yourself

And what’s love anyway

When it does not last forever anyway

Like it was supposed to last

No matter how hard you try to make it stay

So why waste time over my broken heart

When love does not really last

And why call it love anyway

When love’s not meant to last forever anyway


{Stanza 1]


I am no Einstein

Laws of physics is not my dance

But It does not take a genius

To figure this one out

About love and romance

Love is not just once in a lifetime

And your only chance

Your only romance

To find love of your life

And happiness that comes by your side

As the only one sealed and dealed

And sent our way

It is not just about one

And only one love

And one and only one chance

But in this life

To give your heart another chance

To feel romance

And to feel it in different ways

In several different ways

Of beautiful people who will come into your life

In this life’s journey

That we call life

At different points in different ways

In several different ways

And again a brand new chance at romance

And to define love once again

As a new happiness you feel in your life

In a sweet new beautiful way


[Stanza 2]


I am no Einstein

And laws of physics is not my dance

And it does not take a genius

To figure this one out

About love and romance

To my broken heart

Which still sobs over love lost

Over love that has gone estray

To my aching heart

Which refuses to heal

From a wound that feels too deep

This is what I have to say

Why be this broken anyway

To my broken heart

Which still sobs over love lost

Over a love that has gone estray

To my aching heart

Which refuses to heal

From a wound that feels too deep

This is what I have to say

Why be this broken anyway

Once again I find myself

Consoling my broken heart

Which refuses to listen to reason

And feels so broken

That hurt won’t go away

To pick up the pieces

And move on

It’s not that life does not give you

A second chance

And a new romance

To feel whole new love

In a whole new way

And not just only one opportunity at love

That was sent sealed and dealed our way

So why be this broken anyway

In this life you do not get

Only one chance at romance

Is not what life and destiny

Has planned

For us anyway

In this world of many

We are destined to meet few and not just one

Who were created just for us

To start life as brand new

To meet someone new

As someone new to meet along the way

And not just one single chance at romance

Sent sealed and dealed our way




Sometimes in this world of many

You meet someone

Who feels like your destiny

It feels like love from the very start

And down the road only to find out

It was not meant to last

And you ask yourself

And what’s love anyway

When it does not last forever anyway

No matter how hard you try to make it stay

So why waste time over my broken heart

When love does not really last

And why call it love anyway

When love’s not meant to last forever anyway


[Ending Chorus]


I am no Einstein

Laws of physics is not my dance

But It does not take a genius

To figure this one out

About love and romance

Sometimes in this world of many

You meet someone

Who feels like your destiny

It feels like love from the very start

And down the road only to find out

It was not meant to last

And you ask yourself

And what’s love anyway

And you ask yourself

And what’s love anyway


Song Seven

Moving On Is Name Of Life


[Stanza 1]


You don’t get to go back and correct your mistakes

In this life somethings you just cannot replace

Don’t keep looking back

What’s done is done

Don’t look back

Because past cannot be undone

Life stops for nobody

Whether we are somebody or nobody

Moving on is another name of life

In this life that’s to stay

Moving on is the game of life

We all have to play

No matter how hard we try to run away

We are all out here in this journey called life

Arms wide open head held high

The world ahead of us

An endless field and open skies

Future unknown and nothing we can take for granted

Not even our closest ties

Our destinations in life are numerous

With many crossroads in between

Only God knows where this journey is going to take us

Oblivious as we are of our destiny


[Stanza 2]


Life stops for nobody

It is like a river that runs deep

And keeps moving forward

Likewise we have to keep moving forward

In this journey of life it stops for nobody

If you sit on the sidelines too long

For someone to come along

Waiting for the tide to subside

Instead of taking life by the horns

Life will pass you by

Without love by your side

You will never be able to reach your destination

You have only one life

Why live life with resignation

Always moving forward is the sign of life

Always moving forward

Is another game of life

And stagnation is the sign of death


Song Eight

Baby Who Has Seen Tomorrow




Baby who has seen tomorrow

So do borrow

A page of happiness from life

And fill it with all the colors of the rainbow

Baby why be so sad

When this world can be yours

Accept what you cannot control

And make happiness your goal

This life is after all too short a journey

So go live it with no regrets honey

If there is one lesson we should all takeaway

It spares no one

And comes everyone’s way

A little bit of high

A little bit of low

Sometimes we have no choice

But to go with the flow

This life is after all too short a journey

So go live it with no regrets honey


[Stanza 1]


Baby do not look back too much

This world is filled with mooch and disgusts

After all what is there to gain

Sometimes it is better to move on

Than to dwell on the pain

If it was meant to be

It would not have gone away

What is the point in feeling loss of something

That was never really yours in the first place

Because if it was yours

It would not have gone away

Life is too short a journey

Why live it with regrets anyway

So go out and live life and seize the day


[Stanza 2]


Baby this life is nothing

But a story of pleasure and pain

A little bit of sunshine

And a little bit of rain

A little bit of loss

A little bit of gain

Along with a little bit of hard work

And a little bit of play

A little bit of giving

A little bit of taking

A little bit of singing

And a little bit of mingling

Baby it is all part of life

And it is all here to stay

Baby it is all part of life

And it is all here to stay

After all if you snooze

You will lose

Because life has a mind of its own

And it will keep on ticking

In the end we are all just glad

That we are all alive and still kicking

Life is too short a journey to live with regrets anyway

So go out and live life and seize the day


[Stanza 3]


Work hard play harder

Others should not really get to have a say

When you are not hurting anyone

To hell with them anyway

In this life people will come and go

Some are lessons learnt

While some stay all through the way

With all the highs and the lows

That gets thrown your way

This life is too short

Somethings are meant to be tossed

Out of your life any way

Like the saying goes

When one door closes

Other opens and paves the way

Accept what you cannot control

Make happiness your goal

Life is too short a journey

Why live it with regrets anyway

So go out and live life and seize the day




Baby who has seen tomorrow

So do borrow

A page of happiness from life

And fill it with all the colors of the rainbow

Baby why be so sad

When this world can be yours

Accept what you cannot control

And make happiness your goal

This life is after all too short a journey

So go live it with no regrets honey

If there is one lesson we should all takeaway

It spares no one

And comes everyone’s way

A little bit of high

A little bit of low

Sometimes we have no choice

But to go with the flow

This life is after all too short a journey

So go live it with no regrets honey


Song Nine

Baby This Life Is A Huge Puzzle




Baby this life is nothing but a huge puzzle

Everyone is out to hustle

We all sometimes get lost in the bustle

And sometimes life seems like a tussle

And baby when life seems like a losing battle

That’s when you pick up your spirits and life’s axle




Baby always remember they all are devil’s own jewel

With greed in their eyes from black to hazel

Baby it’s all very global

And their upbringing makes them very shameful

So do remember they deserve to be handled

Since their group is very hateful


[Stanza 2]


Baby don’t be bashful

Let facts and figures be your whistle

Baby don’t hold back be brutal

After all they are all herd and cattle

Others misery makes them gleeful

But it all comes down to full circle


[Stanza 2]


Baby to them it’s all about the pie and a castle

Their big dreams are their glowing candle

Baby no need to be humble

They are in it to make you fumble

Their greed is a beautiful tunnel

That takes them to desires chapel


[Stanza 3]


Baby it’s all like a diamond crystal

What they want from you will make you bristle

So honey do be careful

They are all pimps in a brothel

Their greed for money is a beautiful chisel

Baby it’s all very centrifugal


[Stanza 4]


Baby no need to be always civil

Their greed is their beautiful cradle

See if you can hack it by being cordial

Whether they are being serious or casual

Baby their greed makes them ships Colonel

Baby always remember this it is very crucial


[Stanza 5]


Baby money makes them very cruel

Use your intelligence to make them cripple

Let your charm be your dazzle

Always remember they are not your equal

Otherwise the consequences will be very fatal

But baby don’t be fearful


[Stanza 6]


Baby no need to be too tactful

They have all been very spiteful

Just be cordial and see if you can prepare their funeral

After all their greed makes them pie in the sky fossils

Baby treat it like a duel

It is all very feudal


[Stanza 7]


Baby let their want for money be your focal

No need to be gentle

They have all been very vocal

Their greed of course is what gives them scruples

Lack of decency makes them rumble

And their want for money makes them hostile


[Stanza 7]


Baby always remember they belong in a kennel

Always remember their greed is a beautiful journal

And their happiness is an impressive bundle

Other people’s money makes them swindle

Baby in their self-admiration they are the General

Baby just follow the heedful

And life will not be a hassle


Song Ten

Life You Are Such A Mystery




Life I have known you for a long time now

You are still a mystery

Life I have known you for a long time now

You still puzzle me

When I was young and invincible

I thought I could conquer you

I am older and wiser now

And yet here I am still trying to make sense of you

I still cannot recognize your footprints

Life why are you so scary and uncertain?

Life I have known you for a long time now

I still do not understand you


[Stanza 1]


God what were you thinking when you created us

Are we just your mere pawns?

Why can we be so easily be broken?

Why do we face heartbreak?

Why is pain and sorrow part of our life?

You have the resource of the universe

At your disposal when you are creating us

You can create incredible beauty

And life can be beautiful

Then why is there so much pain and misery in this world?




Life I have known you for a long time now

You are still a mystery

Life I have known you for a long time now

You still puzzle me

When I was young and invincible

I thought I could conquer you

I am older and wiser now

And yet here I am still trying to make sense of you

I still cannot recognize your footprints

Life why are you so scary and uncertain?

Life I have known you for a long time now

I still do not understand you


[Stanza 2]


You tell us happiness is the way of life

Then why is it such a fleeting thing

Why does it not last?

Why is It transient

Why can’t we capture happiness and make it ours forever

Why do you feel we need to know unhappiness?

In order to recognize and enjoy happiness

Trust me when I say this

I do not need unhappiness to recognize happiness

Let happiness be my permanent companion

Life I have known you for a long time now

You are still a mystery

Life I have known you for a long time now

You still puzzle me

When I was young and invincible

I thought I could conquer you

I am older and wiser now

And yet here I am still trying to make sense of you

I still cannot recognize your footprints

Life why are you so scary and uncertain?

Life I have known you for a long time now

I still do not understand you


[Stanza 3]


This life is a tough journey

The paths we take are unknown

And filled with uncertainty

Why can’t we have little more certainty in our lives

Why should future be such a huge question mark

Give us some clue about the paths we endeavor

Just like the clouds in the sky warn us about the rainfall

Just like the lightening before the thunderstorm

Give us some clue about our destination

So that we are not scared about life




Life I have known you for a long time now

You are still a mystery

Life I have known you for a long time now

You still puzzle me

When I was young and invincible

I thought I could conquer you

I am older and wiser now

And yet here I am still trying to make sense of you

I still cannot recognize your footprints

Life why are you so scary and uncertain?

Life I have known you for a long time now

I still do not understand you


[Stanza 4]


Why is loss part of our life?

Why is loss an inevitable thing?

If loss is supposed to be part of our life

Then why do you put people in our lives in the first place

Why do you give us attachment

Why do you make us care?

Why do you give us these feelings

Where we cannot let go

Feelings that makes loss so unbearable

Please do not give us this attachment and love

If loss is supposed to be the ultimate thing from above




Life I have known you for a long time now

You are still a mystery

Life I have known you for a long time now

You still puzzle me

When I was young and invincible

I thought I could conquer you

I am older and wiser now

And yet here I am still trying to make sense of you

I still cannot recognize your footprints

Life why are you so scary and uncertain?

Life I have known you for a long time now

I still do not understand you


[Stanza 5]


Love is a strange feeling

It can be source of both pain and ecstasy

If something is capable of giving us so much joy

Then why do you make it a source of pain too?

Why is love such an elusive thing

Is it destiny?

Our loves in life

Why is it predetermined?

Are we destined to be in each other’s life from before?

If so why can’t it be a permanent cycle of happiness?

Why is something that can be source of so much love and happiness?

Can also be bearer of so much pain?

What kind of world is this?

What kind of life is this?




Life I have known you for a long time now

You are still a mystery

Life I have known you for a long time now

You still puzzle me

When I was young and invincible

I thought I could conquer you

I am older and wiser now

And yet here I am still trying to make sense of you

I still cannot recognize your footprints

Life why are you so scary and uncertain?

Life I have known you for a long time now

I still do not understand you




Pearl's Of Wisdom About Life And It's Mysteries

Life  And It's Mysteries Lyrics

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