A Letter to Heaven
January 1st, 2018
Dear Dad,
A lot has changed this past year.
One year ago, I was surrounded by eight friends.
Babbling heads with fancy clothes and pretty faces, I was among them.
Today, only one of them remain; she babbles less, and her beauty is no longer artificial.
I fell in and out of love with a boy who used me.
I got another boy back, the one I truly love.
I found, visited, applied, and got accepted into the college of my dreams.
I went to prom, I wish you could've seen me in my dress.
I fell.
I fell into a deep abyss of depression, hopelessness, and constant anxiety.
I tried not to live anymore.
I got back up, and I got help.
I got diagnosed and medicated, and, over time, I got better.
I experienced a lot of death, and each being lost reminded me of the heartbreak your death brought.
I got my first D-- it was in math, of course.
I made a lot of new friends.
I discovered a lot about myself.
Listen Daddy, this next part's important.
I learned that it's important to be compassionate towards myself.
I discovered that the only opinion that should matter is my own.
I found that happiness can come from wealth or from poverty.
I realized that imperfections are okay.
I see that life is not a "one-size-fits-all", and different strategies will not work for everyone.
But most importantly, I learned how to be okay, stand on my own two feet, but lean on others when I need to.
I'm not alone Daddy; for once, I really don't feel alone.
I miss and love you, but I don't want you to worry, I am finally okay.
Hugs and Kisses,
Your Daughter.