Let's help one another.
I hate my president becuase he does not represent all americans from blacks, gays, and mexicans and alot more of US residents. And I know that their is alot of people who diagree with my views maybe becuase I am a leftest who wishes the country will be politcially seen as blue and yes some part of it is true but their is reason for it like higher job wages, more tution free colleges, more universal health care for poor kids and elders screw making a America great let make it better but no trump wants to put our taxes for more private jails, more needless wars with iran or north korea, he's preapring us a lving hell if their really is a God can you help I am tried of not gettting my voice heard lets help and love one another in thus earth because there is not another planet that sustain us if we do not solve our problem here first hopefully time will tell if humanity does work together.