Let Love Flow From My Pen
Words are a blessing to all who write,
From the words' beginning to its end.
Let words be used to heal and not to hurt,
And let love flow from my pen.
Many hearts are breaking from the words
They hear from their own friends.
'Tis heartbreaking for me to see,
So let love flow from my pen.
A house divided can never stand,
It will crumble and be turned within.
Truth needs a voice, and I have paper,
To let love flow from my pen.
What you reap you will always sow,
Back to the world, and gracious then,
With a patient mind and busy hand,
I'll let love flow from my pen.
The tongue is vile unless it's tamed,
Words bite back again and again.
Allow them to be gentle and kind,
And let love flow from thy pen!