

United States
38° 1' 5.826" N, 121° 55' 28.4016" W

Killers can smell fear.
I'm not just talking about animals,
Or people who kill in the physical.
I'm talking about people who kill in the mental as well.
People who kill dreams, aspirations, and goals.
People who take a life not with a sharp object,
But with a blunt object that you and I both like to call words.

It's cruel and unusual, that a parent can tell a child that they can't do it.
It's cruel and unusual that a teacher can give up in a class and yell screw it.
And it's cruel, that peer pressure in this world can allow mass media communications
To tell boys and girls of all ages that all the cool kids are doing it.
I won't let these haphazard acts jump and move within the confines of my mind.
I'm through with it.

Why is it that we as a society are integrated in the consumption of alcohol?
And in the partaking of recreational drugs?
But we are segregated when it comes to spreading ideals like peace and love.
There should be no mental killing with our words.
I'm calling for us as a people to limit our smell of fear.
And instead of contributing to the pain and strife,
In this world of killers, we can contribute to giving life.


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