Juxtaposed successful black man
Who am I?
No filter flow, who am I
I am an extrovert and an introvert I am a wolf in sheep’s clothing and a sheep in wolf’s clothing
I am a misunderstood rebel, I am a perfectly understood robot
I am an anomaly, I am just like every other person
At times wonder if I’m an angel in human form, but every once in a while I wonder if I’m the devil
I am a dreamer at times, other times I like to stick to convention
I can be the laziest most complacent person you have ever met, every once in a while I have the work ethic of a hundred men
I lie for fun and tell the truth when I don’t want to
I’m a son of a man who didn’t know how to show how much love he had, the offspring of a mother who at times the love felt like a little much
I’m a chaser of the American dream and a ripper of the American flag
I am a humble narcissist
I am fear and strength (not one hundred percent sure if one can exist without the other)
I’m the fairytale woman dream of before life corrupts it and I’m the person life sent in to corrupt women’s dream of a perfect love
I’m the reason nightlights were invented in the attempt to show that however dark it gets there is hope somewhere faint in the corner
I guess who I am, may not be who I thought I would be at this point but it’s the best version of myself that could be produced given the circumstances
So living with no filter, I’m just a soul enjoying the music of life, a group of bones dancing to the beat of his own drum, organs to make sure my heart continually pumps out love, muscles to help lift people up when I am down, fat to help cushion the falls and skin because a little filter has never been too bad.
Just waiting for a love