It's the Little Things
Wow, he walks in the door,
My heart flutters as he give me our daily kiss,
He smells like safety and security,
His smell is one of the things I love most about him,
He has no idea how much I love him,
How my heart yearns for him,
How I love his goofy smile,
How he makes me smile even when I am miles away from him,
We cook dinner together,
We watch a "Dog's Purpose,"
We laugh at the funny parts,
We cry at the sad parts,
He has no idea that I love how he is sensitive,
We go to bed,
Fast asleep wrapped up in each other like a cacoon,
I have never felt more loved in my life,
I have never been more in love with someone in my life,
I wake up to him smiling,
Telling me I am beautiful,
I laugh and say something about looking like a wreck,
Even though I love the way he thinks I am most beautiful in the morning,
We get dressed for work,
We act silly as we brush our teeth,
He hugs me as I fix my hair,
We cook breakfast together,
We exchange I love you's and hug before we part ways for work,
We text all day,
Never being jealous,
Never questioning each other,
Never calling each other names,
Always sending funny meme's and GIFs,
Always saying I love you,
Always complimenting each other,
I head home from work,
Knowing I will get to see my favorite person,
And smell his scent that I adore so,
You see,
He is my parallel,
My soul mate,
My sun on the darkest days,
He comforts me,
He loves me,
He cares for me,
He never cheats,
He never lies,
He never calls me names,
Even when we fight,
We know it will never end,
Because we love each other so much,
I would never do anything to hurt him,
For he is my happiness,
I love every thing about him,
I love him so much.