The Irony in this Nation
The Irony in this Nation
How a color
A sound
Can trigger someone’s mind to hate
The accusations and discrimination that holds a great sense of problem in this white nation
But it makes you think
If i have the power to alter your mood and increase your hatred
Just by the sound of my voice
The kinky curls
The chinky eyes
The hijab
Or even the color of my skin
Then i have the power to overcome your actions that are so racist
And discriminatory
So who is truly in the power?
It is kind of ironic how you passionately stress about plagiarism in the system
But are quick to plagiarize
And customize someone else’s culture and have the nerve to call it your own
Kind of ironic
It is kind of ironic how you want to build a wall
But love to eat Mexican on Monday’s
Or Tacos on Tuesdays
And get drunk every 5th of May
But want to divide a family and demolish the diversity and culture that you all crave once a year and atleast 2 times a week.
Kind of ironic
It is kind of ironic how you stress the importance of equality
But never accentuate the police brutality or the 75000 black girls and women that suddenly went missing in 2017
But have the nerve to call black people delusional and ask for too much when the system has given them “just enough”
Kind of ironic
Kind of ironic how you go on missionary trips to different countries
and cry about the hunger
and oh so love the children
But as soon as a foreign foot has touched the soil of hatred and xenophobia
The White Nation trembles and demands the “alien” to be sent away
Highly ironic in a nation that was abused, raped, and stripped away from Natives that held this nation before you even sailed shore to discover what was never yours.
The Irony in this Nation