My biggest weakness is my insecurity
Don't look at me
I feel like everyone is staring
And the judgment is blaring
Don't look at my flaws
They're just not right
Imperfection isn't perfection
Perfection is perfection
And I'm not the definition of perfect
Im nothing
So please
Just don't look at me
I don't like the attention I get from the definition I have for myself
I'm tired of the pity and the jealousy that people radiate off on to me in attempt to make me feel beautiful.
I don't want your compliments.
I don't want your pity.
They don't matter to me.
They won't change that image in the mirror that completes my idea of never being good enough.
Those compliments that I get about my physical appearance makes me want to punch you, you, you, and you in the face.
Don't worry, I won't.
Those words that try to fill that void in my mind with feeling physically beautiful, shows me how incredibly insane society is.
Humans are wired to be attracted to symmetry.
Perfectly symmetrical faces.
But society has taken that natural hard drive so much further.
Look on the cover of that magazine! What do you see?
A "beautiful" person.
But in reality that beautiful person isn't even the person on the cover.
We are so obsessed with looks that we fake ourselves
Plastic surgery, hair dye, fancy clothes, makeup.
Girls, you know what I'm talking about.
We convince ourselves that we are ugly underneath this mask of expensive crap.
Makeup is just another step in looking perfect.
When we see collarbones, ribs, and thin limbs on an animal we call it cruel.
But on a woman it's a form of beauty.
Beauty is greed, selfish, pain, a wish.
The priority of teenage popularity.
If perfection is what you want
If beauty is what you want
Then don't look at me.
I refuse to be judged upon my physical appearance like the rest of this immature harmful society.
Judge me based on my personality. Please.
I know I can't change this world
It will always be the same and will continuously get worse
I could go verse by verse talking about how much the pressure of being beautiful affects us teenagers
And not only us teenagers but every single person suffers for the highest rank of physical perfection
The stress is too much and im struggling to break free from the society's priorities
But if you absolutely have to focus on my looks
Then don't look at me.
Because my biggest weakness is my insecurity.