if beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
then those who cannot see her light
are merely blinded in the reflection.
she's gold and iron, so strong and lovely.
just a glance my way and my head spins,
an electric shock straight to my veins.
so startling, and yet I can't seem to look away.
I want to know her, but I don't know how,
if I were to reach across this gap and try,
I am not sure she'd smile and reach back.
that's too much risk for a coward like me,
it's a hint at vulnerably I cannot yet stand.
so for now I keep gazing from afar,
staring at the curving smile on her lovely lips,
the proud set to her pale, smooth shoulders.
I wonder how I could provoke such joy,
do I present her with magic, wit, art?
I try and try, always to no avail.
it seems that with things which I want,
nothing never comes out entirely right.
and then at last, I'm alone with my pen.
I think about her, it's always fucking her,
and this time, I begin to write.