Ignorance is Everywhere
Ignorance is not bliss.
Ignorance is shattering.
Ignorance is cruelty.
Ignorance is isolating.
Ignorance is abandonment.
It’s the shout of a suicide bomber
As he stands in a swarm of innocents.
It’s the look of a scared black kid
Crying from the cuts of the Caucasians.
It’s the idiotic idea that everyone
Lives identical lives on their iphones.
It’s the anemic adolescent
Asking for food in Africa.
Ignorance is not a joke.
Ignorance is letting people
Be unsympathetic to strangers,
Consent to callousness,
Idolize their own lifestyle,
And allow adversity to remain.
But ignorance
Does not have to
Be anything.
If people would
Simply support,
Commit to Kindness,
Initiate human interaction
And act on awareness.
Only then will
Bliss come;
When the issues
Are not
Ignored further.