'If You Really Could' ... A Poem written by Big Virge 14/9/2020
Now If YOU Could SNAP Your Fingers... ?
And Make Change That Would LINGER... !!!
What Changes Would You Make... ?
To Make This World A BETTER Place... !?!
Would You Create ONE Race...
Where Hate Would Be ERASED... ?
Or Would You REMOVE Weapons... ?
So That VIOLENCE Would LESSEN... ?!?
Do You Get What I Am STRESSING... ?!?
If You Had... ULTIMATE Power... !!!
What Would You OVERPOWER... !?!
Would You Choose To OVERTHROW...
These Folks Who Now CLAIM THRONES... !!!
And Turn Them Into TOADS Or Would You Go To Zones...
Where Games REMOVED Lost Souls And Left Them In BLACK HOLES...
Or Would You Choose To SOW SEEDS Where Food Could GROW...
That Would NEVER Leave A Nation To EVER See... STARVATION... !?!
Or Would You HALVE The Population To GAIN World DOMINATION... !?!
Or Would You Just Make Statements Where Missions Were NOT Stationed...
To HINDER Peoples’ GREATNESS Now By That What I’m Stating...
Is That Mental Creations Would FEED MORE Congregations...
To DISMISS Thoughts of Satan So That There’d Be NO HATING.... !!!
If You Could CHOOSE The Way That People USED Their BRAINS...
.............. Do You Think That You’d Be FAIR ................ ?!?
Or Would THAT POWER DEVOUR Your Sense of WRONG And RIGHT... ?!?
So That You’d LOSE Your Mind Because You Might Just Find...
That You Might NOT Be As WISE As OTHER Folks Would LIKE... !!!
Or Would You SEEK To LISTEN To Those Who Have The WISDOM...
To Create A UNIFIED Vision Where Division Was DIMINISHED... !!!
Or YES Brought To A FINISH Would You Choose To SNAP Your Fingers... !?!
To Start A NEW Beginning Do You Think That Would STOP SINNING... ?!?
Or Breed NEW Ways of Thinking Where EVIL Would Start SINKING... !!!
................ And LOVE Would End Up WINNING .................. !!!
SUCH POWER Might NOT Be Something That Would RELIEVE...
Or Be A Thing That FREES Humanity To SEE That JEALOUSY And GREED...
And Things Like VANITY Are Things That Are OBSCENE... !!!
Or Is That STUPID Thinking To Think That You Could Be...
............... That You KNOW EVERYTHING ................ !?!
So Should Become A KING Who RULES OVER ALL Things... ?!?
Within The UNIVERSE I’m NOT Sure That Would Work...
To RID The World of HURT You Might Just LOSE Your Nerve...
If You Could RULE The WORLD You See THESE Poetic Words...
Really Ask Some COMPLEX Questions That May NOT Have An Answer...
That Enables Us To STRENGTHEN And LESSEN Human Tensions...
Because It Might Seem COOL To Be Able To Do... GOOD...
But What In TRUTH Do You Think You’d Do... ?!?
To Make CHANGE THAT Could Free Us ALL From BAD...
................ “If You REALLY Could ?” ...............