I was but I am
A walking,
living shadow
Never standing out in a crowd
Always behind her...second place
Sure I was smarter
And more logical
But guys don’t look for that
They look for her
She dated
Every boy she saw was wrapped around her finger
Instantly falling for her
She always ditched me for them
Once she left me for a guy that
I loved her
It ripped me apart every single time she left me
Cancelled plans
Broken promises
Followed by a shattered heart
But i stuck around
For her to cry on my shoulder
Complain about boys
And talk about the ones she liked
I grew sick of it
The lies
The manipulation
Being used
Being sad
I grew SICK of feeling ugly
All the boys wanted her
And rejected me
But I am beautiful
And special in every way
I DESERVE better
I AM better
We distanced ourselves during high school
And sad to say
My best friend of 3 years ruined my life
On the surface we seemed like perfect bestfriends
So close people thought we were sisters
But on the interior…
But it wasn’t always like that
In the beginning we actually were the perfect best friends
But we stressed ourselves out trying to be perfect
We pushed too hard to be what other people wanted us to be
But U couldn’t go on like that
Dragging each other down…
And for the satisfaction we felt for .002 seconds
It wasn’t worth it
I was better off
She was better off
It’s been months since we have been together
And i don’t know about her but my life is amazing
I was able to venture out and make new friends
Friends who don’t suck the life out of me like a vacuum
Guys want to date me
I am more confident-
And it shows
And I’ve been so happy
Not a petty mess
A disgrace
A sad excuse for a girl
A new
Beautiful girl
Who deserves the world
And I see that now
I am that now