I Vaguely Remember . . .
I vaguely remember I time where it was better,
A time I could use to slumber,
Grades, Classes, GPA all of it now seems to matter more,
Do this they say, don't forget to sign that, "When did my life become such a bore?",
If your grade in Calculus goes from an "A" to a "B" it better not stay that way,
Remember colleges reserve the right to withdraw their admittance and that will stay,
I vaguely remember a time where I wasn't given a cold shoulder,
I've encountered a social boulder,
After these colleges I am pining,
And soon to myself I started lying,
I've withdrawn from my friends,
Because I know after high school "these friendships will end",
I vaguely remember a time without stress,
It's like I'm in a voluntary house arrest,
I'm trapped in a design of my own making a "prison",
And since the start of the year my blood pressure has risen,
But don't forget this is all your fault,
It's the price of becoming an adult.