I think we should get high together

Wed, 03/27/2013 - 22:49 -- ShaniaS

I think we should get high together
Not the kind of high that you need weed or wine for
But the kind of high that only two people can feel when they are in love
Because I love you
You make me feel alive
And I havent felted this way in a long time
I think we should get high together
No drugs just your hands on my body and mine on yours
Exploring each other
Tasting what it means to be you and what it means to be me
Because I wanna feel you
I think we should get high together
Forget the beer and pills
Just Yours lips on my neck my fingertips running down your back
Because I wanna be apart of you
I think we should get high together
Not with kush or rum
But with your voice in my ear and mine in yours
Tell me what turns you on and I'll tell you my fantasies
Because. I need you laying next to me
I think we should get high together
Simply because I'm dying to feel you inside of me
Your the only one I ever wanted so badly
So get high with me
And never come back down


MVP-Most Valuable Poet

rhythmic poem-i enjoyed it
play of words was also great-very original
nice poem

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