I Remember The Stars
I remember the stars
in the night
they carried my hopes and dreams
I remember the stars
from years ago
I remember the stars of tonight
But even more, the stars
remember me.
They remember the stories I told them
years ago on the dock
as I dreamt of the future
with the brush of chilled water moving across my toes
as I lay motionless.
They remember the stories I told them last night
accounting for all the time that has passed
since we had met for the first time.
They remember who I was,
when they bore me to this earth
and they know who I have become.
In five years the stars will remember
the person I am today,
but they won't remind me.
Instead they will do what they always do,
they will let me dream of the future.
The stars will take me to places
I have yet to go
Ironic that the stars are a passage to the future
when the stars themselves,
are an element of the past.
I remember the stars
of tomorrow
The same stars that shone last night,
along with all the nights of my life.
I remember that each time I meet with the stars,
it is different
The stars remain the same
in the black of the night sky,
but I change.
I remember who I was cuddled on the stairs with best friends,
who, at the time, hid inside the bodies of strangers.
I remember who I was
as I threw my head back with closed eyes
and when I opened them
and saw the stars,
I saw the girl I wanted to be
I remember the life I envisioned for me.
And now, now I must remember
to not lose sight of the stories
I once told the stars
but rather hold on to them,
and flourish within them
and remember the stars
will always be watching me.
I remember telling the stars my story
bright as day,
in the darkest hours of the night.