"I have a Dream"
One thing that no one can take from me is my imagination.
You are only limited to your imagination so there is more opportunity in life than other actually think.
In the back of my mind I always hear J Cole saying I only made it with a dollar and a dream.
I felt like that statement was my new found inspiration it was all me growing up with nothing and turning that into a dream.
My true dreams that I hide from everyone is to be a professional poet and writer.
Knowing that this dream may never truly come true I still believe.
I would love to publish my own book and poetry by the time I'm out of college.
When life starts to get stressful I turn the stress into my passion my motivation.
To think that my dreams and reality will one day collide and become one brings hope to my heart and soul.
One day to look up in see my name on quotes and other pieces of literature would be the biggest accomplishment in my overall life.