I Didn't Love Me
I Didn't Love Me
I didn't love me
Look in the mirror and I start remembering
Crying in the shower
Hearing the yelling
Parents in the living room
It's me they're forgetting
I once blamed myself
I hated the sound
Court was a cuss word
Spoke without any sound
7 years later
I remember the pain
I remember the screaming
I remember my hate
Smile starts to form
Love begins to grow
In my heart I've learned
Who I've come to be
No matter what happens
I need to go on
I smile in sadness
I laugh in my pain
My heart grows stronger
Each and everyday
The past is a memory
My heart is a shield
My smile my sword
I love all people
I once hated myself
Now is my time
I have learned to be happy
This life is mine
I love myself truly
As I had once tried
I will protect others from their hate
I will be the open one
I Love Myself