I AM's Daughter
Amazing Awesome Adonai
Author of my life
Author of Eternal Salvation
And one with Jesus Christ
Creator and consuming fire
Spirit of love and peace
Who does not faint and does not tire
Whose love will never cease
Good all the time is my on-time God
And the Loving Lord is He
The Great Shepherd, my Rock and Shield,
He is the One who sees
Provider, Protector, Deliverer
Just a few of His many names
All-Knowing, All-Present, All-Powerful
All in All; Perfect, His ways.
My Holy Help and Healer
Who sets me on righteous paths
My Mighty and merciful Maker
Who protects me from His wrath
A just Judge and righteous Ruler
The One who knows all hearts
The One who stitched every piece of me
In the womb; and adores each part.
The everlasting, one true God
The Beginning and the End
The One who sent His only Son
My Savior and my Friend
He hears me every time I pray,
Think, sing, cry or sigh
He is who made night and day
He is the Most High
To my knees I humbly bow
To the sky my hands I raise
To give thanks to the One I adore
Wonderful and worthy of praise
His name is called I AM Who AM.
And He is our Heavenly Father,
The one and only Great I AM.
And I am I AM’s daughter.