I Am. . .
I am a charismatic girl, with big goals and aspirations
I wonder where I will be in about 5 years from now
I hear encouraging words from the angels watching over me in heaven
I see my family being happy for me and all that I aspire to be
I want to be successful
I am a charismatic girl, with big goals and aspirations
I pretend that everything is fine even when it’s not
I feel animals can actually talk just like us, humans, can
I reach for the stars, hoping to one day hold them in my hands
I worry too much about losing those who aren’t afraid to lose me
I cry for those who are too strong to cry for themselves
I am a charismatic girl, with big goals and aspirations
I understand everybody isn’t going to agree with everything you do
I say in order to be successful you must know what failure feels like to you
I dream to be that household name, in a positive light
I try to be the best in everything that I put my mind to
I hope that my dreams will become a reality and not just bottomless thoughts
I am a charismatic girl, with big goals and aspirations