How To Lose A Girl
Push her away to a corner of your mind
Say to yourself "I'm sure she won't mind"
Never call her, forget she exists
Keep it up until she knows something's amiss
When she asks, concerned and unnerved
Comfort, console, soothe and cajole
Until the meeting is adjourned
Lead her along
Like a kite on a string
Play with her heart
Like a violin's strings
How to lose a girl, you ask?
I assure you it's not that hard you see
Follow my lead and it will seem
That you could do this in your sleep
Speaking of sleep, speak to her friends
Take them to bed and let the night begin
When it finally dawns on her
And she's dejected, rejected, alone and hurt
Console, soothe, and remind of past times
Draw her back in like a fish on a line
Make her love you until she's out of her mind
And when the feeling becomes much too sublime
Hang her out on a line to dry
And when she sends you "I love you, good night"
Send her "I love you too, lol jk, good bye."
How do you lose a girl, you ask?
A girl's heart is like glass
Drop it and see how long relations will last.
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