Stop!Look around.Look at your surroundings.You are in the middle,The middle of your journey.Far enough to see where you came from,But not close enough to see the end.Walk slowly. Why rush ? You don't even know your final destination. Life is not a race, but a journey.You are not a racer , but a hiker.Walk slow, steady, and enjoy the view. Some days ,There will be rivers.Rivers which wind, whip and whirl,Don't worry,Jump in, swimAnd go with the flow. Some days, There will be storms,Storms that drip,drop, and drench.Don't worry , Life will award you with a rainbow. Some days,You will stray off the path, Paths with twists, turns, and trouble.Don't worry,You might bump Into someone you know. Once the end is near,You will look back at your journey, And smile.You have conquered life's obstacle course.Be proud of who you are . You are You-nique.You have a certain set of skills,Because every hiker is different ,Then every journey is too.