He Who Lives Underground
Snickety diddle I am I am I am the devil
I dig ditch-deep drilling holes in souls
They say I'm sour but this simply isn't true
I'm sweeter than sugar from the cane
I plant cavities in their hearts
and I pluck out their eyes.
Their bodies fold in half
knees to chest
knees to chest
They curtsy to me, bowing beyond moral flexibility.
Blind and wandering the cold
Earthy faces dragging on the ground
feet carving a red path against grey stone
they will never find their way alone
So I take them home
I crush their scrawny elbow in my scaly grip
and I lead them below the grewy stone.
No flinch of recognition passes over their faces
when we pass the ash of their ancestors' burning bone
Here in the heat of their shame
they collapse. Delicate delicacies fading to dust.
I lift them by their necks and rattle and shake
until they are stripped to cold white stone.
Then I send them north, where
above my home they gather
The ones who see night in the day.
They pluck their eyeballs from the skull
and poison their grey brains with the black blood
they see running through their hair
And so it goes and the cycle remains
This is how we steal away
the ones who see night in the day.