hate,love, hurt
I been hated, I been loved but most of all i been hurt.
I have felt the sting of hate the embrace of love and the burn of heartache.
The pain that last an eternity and feels like a knife.
Only because that one person said those three words.
Those words that impact and shatter you on the inside.
You feel the burn you feel the embrace you feel the sting.
OVer the thing they just said.
You look back and feel the same were those three words you said ever in vain.
Were the feeling real or a sham like it burned so much i swear i could smell ham.
Yes I show some humor but the pain is all the same only cause till this day i dont know if the words were said in vain.
How is it that with three simple words it can feel so complicated.
Maybe cause i been hated,love but most of all i been hurt.