Grew Up to Fast
I wish to be innocent
Now I look back at the things I did
Clocks tick faster
The mistakes plaster
Starting young
From age one
Where I begun
So small
So sweet
So dumb
So nieve
As I grew
I heard the lies
Don't worry
Mommy and daddy are fine
A marraige ruined
A family in tatters
Lost love
What really matters
I grew quick
I just have too
Watching my brother
Missing my mother
She worked long hours
And dad back in Iraq
Grandma and grandpa
Watching my sisters back
An awkward girl
She learned to write
pains and joys on paper
painted in graphite
She grew up young
She grew up fast
Now she craves to be
A child again
The childhood bliss
The sweet parental kiss
The small world
I dearly miss
The family still there
The family still cares
But I missed so much of my past
I grew up too fast