a great MAN
There was a man, a great man, one who I called a hero. He was quiet, hardworking and most of all a humble man. All his life this man worked from sun up to sun down. The word to describe this man is "faithful". He was faithful to God, his family, the business he created and the community he called home. When you needed a hand this man was there, if you needed advice this man was ready, most of all when you needed to know about God's word he'd tell you. This man loved his wife, his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He loved them so much that he worked all his life, worked so hard and so much that his hands hardened. The love he had for them hardened his little hands so that his family never had to have rough hands like his. This man's family would be blessed from his sacrifice, they'd reap the benefits of the seeds he planted, he was a man like no other man. The hardworking man made it possible for his family to surpass in excellence because he loved them. This was a God fearing Christian man. He went to heaven the day his worldly body was killed, not because he was faithful to a building but because the love of God shined through him. If you come from an era such as this man then you'd understand his discipline, respect his serious work habit and appreciate his collection of antiques. With this man words of abundance were not displayed, he reserved his speech for the most important of times. If you were one of the lucky one's this man spoke to you'd consider yourself blessed. This short little man was tall in honor, a giant in strength and a man full of God's word. The day this man left earth his soul flew to heaven, this man is now an angel, a man who is missed by all. THIS MAN WAS NAMED PETE ARIAS, THIS MAN IS MY GRANDPA!!!!