Grandma's House was my Safe Place
I remember that little doll
Up there on the shelf
That tiny gold buddha
That took me somewhere else
Once I saw that little man
So calm and full of peace
I found serenity on my own
With much more ease
Unlike home
It was much more quiet
No yelling, no shouting
Never such a riot
Withou the screaming and the yelling
Of you and my mother falling out of love
I didn't have to think about the childhood
That I was being deprived of
I always felt safer at Grandma's
Especially after I knew
You stopped loving me
Even though I still loved you
The peace that this trinket brought me
Was more than you ever did
For me and my sisters
When we were still learning to be a kid
Between mom always working
And you always drinking
The picture of a big, happy family
Was very quickly sinking
Grandma's house was my safe place
To get away from you
Her and that tiny gold Buddha
(Almost) made me feel brand new
And I'm almost sorry to a younger me
But I learner and grew so much
From the screaming and yelling
And your not-so-gentle touch
So thank you to Grandma
And that little Buddha doll
For making me feel safe
After everything I saw
Now it's been a few years since we've spoken
But you're free from jail now, that cold case
So you moved back to Billings, and once again
Grandma's house became my safe place