God for a moment
It's here I sit, looking at beauty's start
Yet here, I laugh at my bewildered heart
Her eyes match that of starry skies
Feelings for her greater than family ties
If I lost this there will be a great demise
Set sail amongst troubled sea's ,this boat corroding
Against the oceans heaves, my will is being broken
For my words lack the skill of spoken
And this ship is going down, In lieu of a captain
Neither, took lead of this troubled vessel
My mission is now to end this situation deemed stressful
Now, to her I am god yet, strange and unfamiliar
To me, I am a goblin, beautiful and familiar
It's a shame I have to end this, Now the darkness begins to overcome her
I now live in a world of undetermined reality
I apologize for my obscenity and crassness
I lay her down to sleep, For I am a prisoner in this madness
I am the warden in this madness
I lost all sense of what is real
I gave up all sense of what is real
And now, I lay her down to sleep