
It was the way I looked

What I believed in

What my family cooked

We were taken from our din


I was as normal as any other school girl

No different from the kids in my class

Why was my family taken my head was in a wourl

I was not even allowed to take my favorite glass


Stripped, beaten and burned

I was scared and lost I just wanted my mom

Is this what I earned 

All because I practiced a different solm


So young, were they alive

The others were just alike 

Scared just waiting to die 

I wish someone would just say sike


The days blurred together 

I wish they would just putme in that shower

Grey matched the feelings and the weather

Not even god had the power 


I did not live to see the day 

I look down from above knowing my family was finially safe 

Why didn't they have to pay

I know we will meet again someday



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