The Former Crackhead
(This is about someone else, I'm a girl)
I'm a guy
Who partied until I almost died.
A higher power kept me alive.
At 13 I sold drugs,
After highschool I got caught
I thought probation would be cool, it's not.
An hour after I left the court room,
Crack and I found each other again
After that I was left for 4 years in prison,
God knew what it would take
For me to break.
Thankfully, I dropped to my knees.
Prison was different for me
It was like 4 years of intense bible study
Something so sweet,
I was walking around
With bible in hand
Singing Jesus Loves Me
Happy as a clam
I got out prison
Searched for job.
I found nothing at all.
I lived in a tent
with my bible.
One day a man gave me a pamphlet.
and I knew,
I needed to find a church.
I found a job.
Yay for me
A church is what I truly need
I went to the first church
Unwelcome as can be,
It was as if I wasn't seen.
The second one was so nice
It was the place that I found my wife
3 children later
I now live in a house,
Have a stable job
And opened my eyes.
Now I think,
If my mistakes help others
They were mistakes
Not wasted